Ruas do Bem art collective

Role: co creator and writer

At the beginning of the pandemic my friend Victor Ghiraldini had an idea: to use the streets as a canvas to convey messages to educate and comfort the population. He asked me to create the sentences and we gathered a bunch of friends to bring the idea to life. We called ourselves "Coletivo Ruas do Bem" (Streets of Good art collective) and we have painted hundreds of São Paulo Streets since then.

Some images:


The project called some media attention.

Globo TV - SP 1

Globo TV - Bom Dia SP

Globo TV - É de Casa

Band TV - Jornal da Band

Estado de S. Paulo newspaper


We were also invited to be part of two art exibitions:
"SP Urban", an open air exibition and "Drive Thru Art", the first drive-thru art exibition in the world.

SP Urban

Drive Thru Art

Cargo Collective, Inc.
Los Angeles, Calif.